Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ali Edwards...You've Been Scrapjacked!

Ok ya'll here it is, our very first jack...Ms. Ali Edwards herself! Now we are off to deside what page we will lift. Tune in on Monday when we will post our versions of this wonderfully talented woman! Oh this is gonna be fun!



Rose Farver asked......
"Wow do we get to post our links to layout we scrapjacked too?"


YEP!! We'd love to see your lifts! Post a link here when your finished and we'll each choose a favorite to show here at SCRAPJACKED!

:) Peace out.....CP


Kelli said...

cool idea, I'll have to check this out, did you post it on some of the boards :)

Steph said...

fantastic idea! cant wait to play!!

Kim Faucher said...

awesome blossom... I'll play along(didn't want to say jack along... sounded bad! lol)
off to stalk /I mean check out her gallery for a layout to lift!
thanks.. fun challenge!


Karla Dudley said...

Whoa!!!!! Not timid on the first one hu? LOL!!!! Good stuff!


Anonymous said...

COOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh fun game girls! I'm coming to play right now!

JACQ said...

woohoo! i wanna play too :)

Dana Tate said...

sound like a cool idea.

Anonymous said...

What a fab idea :)

Lori Petticrew said...

great idea!

Jennifer Sizemore said...

What a cool blog! Can't wait to see more!

Lea L. said... Ali! Off to look at some of her stuff and get inspired!!!

stephanie howell said...

How exciting...can't wait to get started. Gosh, I'm a little intimidated. There's no way I could make anything nearly as awesome as her pages. aaahhhh!

ashlee said...

oh yes...this will be fun!

Vee said...

so on it!! this is goign to be awesome!

Nura Keif said...

What a cool idea!!Its gonna be fun!!

Jody said...

"This is gonna be big!" {One of my favorite Oprah quotes.} =) I am going to see if I can step up to the guys are challenging me right off the bat...Ali and her stamps and word stickers. I just may have to get to my LSS to pull off an Ali-jacked layout! So fun.

Anonymous said...

you guys are so awesome

Christina Padilla said...


Can't wait to get started on this!!

Stay tuned peeps!

Unknown said...

(Court sent me
Love this cool idea! Can't wait to see more!! ~Dawn (rn4jchrist)

Anonymous said...

what a fun idea!

Hilary said...

How fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing {Court}
laura P

Christiane said...

i'm really curious!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this idea and I am currently way inspired be AE so I will play along!


Anonymous said...

can't wait to start!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to start!

Anonymous said...

Wow do we get to post our links to layout we scrapjacked too?

Danielle said...

OMG I love this!!!!!!

Michelle Sanders said...

Heck yeah...we want links...we want to see what you gals can do! Stay tuned for our target page and pics of our lifts!

Shelly said...

Here's my link (back2bedlam)

Ros said...

oh!! Fun fun fun!
I can't wait to play!

oh... and Hi Courtney!


Alex Hardy said...

goodness gracious.
*adore* your idea...
absolutely brilliant.

Amber Ulmer said...

I totally love this idea! I will definatley be adding this to my "blog" list!!! Hey Court! Saw the link from ur blog! Can't wait to play!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

THis is going to be VERY exciting and funy!!! I am looking forward to see what Ali layout you select

Anonymous said...

so fun you guys!!! I can't wait to play along:)

Marci said...

Starting off with a bang! Off to check out some Ali E!

Dale Anne Potter said...

Sounds like a cool idea!!!

Anonymous said...

you girls your idea. this will be lots of fun to follow. p.s. hey court!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!


BoozetteScrappy said...

Love, love, Love Ali Edwards and her layouts! Fab 1st Scrapjacked!

Julie said...

I can't wait to see!! This is such a fun idea!!

Jillian Marie said...

Ditto all the comments, this looks so great, very genious idea girls!! (hiya court!!)

Anonymous said...

I am all over this like white on rice..AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

oh loving this idea... hope international people can play im from australia???? off to find some inspiration from ali e

thanks sheree

EliseBlaha said...

i'm excited.

(and...HI COURT!) ;)

Eileen said...

Here is mine. A link to Ali's page is in the description on the gallery page. TFL

QueenTracy said...

Can't wait to get jackin! What a great idea. Thanks for hosting this!!!


Us said...

great idea. can't wait to post...

Carrie K said...

so so excited to do this! and ALI!!!! what a fun way to start...