Monday, January 29, 2007

The jack is up...Ali's lift is complete

Yep, we had so much fun jackin' Ali's page. This is Ali's page (the target page), as seen in a recent CK issue.

Now here are our versions of this fab design...

Stacey - "Life is Good"

Court - "Crazy Cousins"

Michelle - "Love of my Life"

Misty - "Summer"

Falyn - "add"

Now you may be wondering what happened to Christina. Well she is smozing with the big dogs at CHA! Out rounding up sponsors and prizes for future Jacks! It is absolutly killing her that she is away and can't play this go round. But if I know CP...she will do the lift anyway when she gets back! Kisses CP! Bring us back a surprise or two!

Alright, now it's your turn. Show us your version of this wonderful page and link us up! Post your page on two peas with "Scrapjacked #1" in the title so we can see them all. Post a link in here in the comment section too. And stay tuned...we will be showin' some love and picking favs! One lucky duck will even win a custom stamp from ZingBOOM kits! Good luck!


Gaspegirl said...

Great job on the jacked page! I may have to try this one!

BTW love the blog and will definately be back ;)

stephanie howell said...

Fantastic job girls!!! I can't wait to try this one!

MartyGentry said...

mine's on my blog!

this is fun!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic LOs!!!

I'm planning on playing along too...just trying to find what Ali LO to lift.

Anonymous said...

i guess i'm confused...? i thought everyone would choose a different page to lift? do we all lift this LO? or do we choose any ali LO we want?

Anonymous said...

hey there Maria -
sorry for the confusion. . .
we are all jacking the same "target" page. we want to see all the different takes on this ONE page. But if you jacked another one. ohhhh we'd love to see that too :)


Andrea Cox said...

There's mine :) Didn't realize we were doing a specific page until I saw the comments here, oh well :(

Us said...

this is exciting. i am just waiting for mine to dry ( the diamond glaze). i am looking forward to more in the future and i have like totally bookmarked this


Anonymous said...

here's mine!! it was totally Ali Edwards inspired to begin with...

thanks for the fun!

JACQ said...

Wow! The lifts look gorgeous! :) i'll post mine soon :)

Anonymous said...

okay so i'm the terd that did a jack of a random ali layout! here's mine anyways:

Us said...

ok, here's mine. i kept the lo child like and simple to convey the dream i had as a kid...


~Telah said...

How fun is this! I just left my layout.

Cheryl Wray said...

I LOVE this blog and this idea!! I'm totally bookmarking it and will come back often. I'm off to see what I can do with this layout! Fun!!

stephanie howell said...

soooo fun! here's mine:

Jennifer Sizemore said...

Wow- these are all fantastic!!!!! Very inspiring, for sure!

Anonymous said...

This is WAY cool!

Leah said...

I am loving this! Mine is posted at 2peas.. and a big huge thanks to the gals that have put this's gonna be such fun.

DivaMom96 said...

What an original concept!! I love this blog. I am going to have to check in here often. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Fun idea!!! Love your "jacks" think I might have to join in the fun!

Anam_Kihaku said...

fab idea!! love it :)

ashlee said...

here is mine...this rocks!!

Kristi said...

here's mine!

Anonymous said...

This was so fun!!! I can't wait to see who is next to get 'jacked! Here's mine: or

Cheryl Wray said...

Woo Hoo!! That was SO much fun, and I totally enjoyed scrapjackin this one!!

Mine is posted on my blog:

Thanks for the inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Darn... I didn't realize there was a TARGET LO until I already finished my LO...darn...oh well, I guess I don't follow instructions well. But I'll post here later today anyways. :)

Anonymous said...

hope I am not too late
mine is on my blog and at 2peas

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I screwed this up...LOL
I thought we could pick any LO from Ali...

Here's mine:

Here's her original:

DragonFly Designs said...
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DragonFly Designs said...

Loving the blog and the idea behind it...=P

Congrats Ali for being the first one picked and LOVE your LO.

Deleted my above post cause I said I was going to find one to lift...There's a target LO..will work on my LO tonight (hopefully).

Kelli said...

okay this may be too late but I thought I'd add anyways :) Happy Scrappin' this was fun :)

Jillian Marie said...

Love this idea ladies! I reaaaallly hope I am not too late either, eeek I thought we had a week, oops!!! Ok, well here is the link to mine...TFL!!

Leah said...

Is it just me or are a lot of the links to 2peas posted here cut off or not complete? I can't seem to get them to work.

I am soooo addicted to this site and glad I stumbled across it to be a part from the very beginning!

Anonymous said...

I loved the challenge, it is posted on the No Bare Pages gallery
Gallery, simplybare, "My Challenge Page"
laura P
Thanks for the "nudge" Court !!

Anonymous said...

This is just the absolute coolest blog!!! I'm so glad I discovered it - can't wait to try this!!! What a great way to kick it off, too - with Ali and Elsie!!!