Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Jessica Fulkerson.....you've been scrapjacked!!

Happy New Year Scrapjackers!!!
We've got lots of fun lined up for you in 2008 starting today!

To start the new year off right I asked Kristina Contes to be my co-anchor for this jack and we decided to jack the wickedly talented Jessie Fulkerson.

This is the page that Kristi picked

here's what she had to say about Jess:

Since I first started papercrafting, I have always been a fan of Jessica's work. I believe it was her page about riding her bike in heels around campus that truly sealed the deal for me. =) Her color choices are unique and fresh and the design is always interesting. She also takes fantastic photos, and this layout about her self portraits was a no brainer choice to jack... since my husband Jonathan hates having his picture taken and Chloe is always running away from me.
If you don't have many shots of yourself, then it's time to get to work!
It's especially fun to try new angles and perspectives so go on and get creative with your self portrait taking.

and here is her version of Jessica's page...

And here's ours....








Our first sponsor of the year is our very own Courtney DeLaura!!
Courtney is donating a project 52 full year membership to the lucky winner of our Jessijack!

Get to jacking and link us up by the 10th and stay tuned for more fun!!
we've got some amazing sponsors lined up for this year and some other tricks up our sleeves too!


Silvitanova said...

This is fun. Were is my camera? I need more pictures of: ME!

Anonymous said...

all I have to say is I need stacy's brown tweed shoes with the little bows on them! :D those are CUTE!

Jessica O'Brien said...

ahhhhhh! What a cool surprise guys! Thanks for Jacking me!

I especially loved that you picked one of my pages that isn't one of *my* personal favorites. To see it take on new life in others pages makes me really see it in a new light.

And KC's description cracks me up. Yes, it was biking in heels. "By the time I graduated, I had the lock-up time down to mere seconds, could ride drunk & in stiletto heels while talking on my cell phone..." ;)

xoxo Happy New Year guys!

metrochic said...

dude. i am so all over this.

elizabeth said...

here's my take!!!


this was an awesome challenge....even though my picture isn't on the lo, there is a piece of me in everyone of those pics that are on there :)

Christa said...

this was so fun!

here is mine:


Linda said...

awesome choice for the jack! can't wait to get into this one!

Unknown said...

Here is my take...Its also on my blog.


Brook said...

I love this LO. Here is the link to the post on my blog. It is the third LO- "Cody Senior" the montage with the glitter border! What fun was this!

Maggie said...

Here's my LO...


Darleen said...

I love this BLOG!! How fun and the layout is awesome too!! This was just a really great surprise to end my evening!!! I've posted it in my online favs in my blog, I'm keeping an eye out to see all the scrapjacking that goes on in here!!

Linda said...

i had so much fun with this jack!!!

here it is:


Meg said...

kristina and jessica!! you both are such an inspiration to me!! is there any way i can get on and view your blogs?!?!?
thanks so much
and can not wait to do the jessijack!
meg barker

Michelle B said...

Here is mine:


camport said...

Here's mine.



Michelle said...

Here is my take

Kate O'Brien said...

Here is mine! Thanks for the challenge it was fun!


Julie said...

This was a challenge, multi photos!!


luv2scrapmilestones said...

hiya...this is my take on the challenge. Thanks - it was fun!

Laura said...

Here's mine! =)


Mitzi said...

This was so fun. It was perfect for a few photos that I had no idea what to do with. Thanks for the inspiration.


Sunnymommie said...

here is mine


this is so FUN!!!!


Jessica O'Brien said...

miss meg- my blog has been open then private and back again for awhile. i hope to open it up for good again soon. til then, of course you can get access- just email me at jfulkerson@gmail.com with your email address and I can send you a blogger invite. (same for anyone else too!) xo

Meg said...

Loved this jack and Jessica's work!!
Thanks Jessica

Mollie said...

yay! I had some fun with this one! My guilty pleasure is taking pictures of myself. lol oh well... fun fun! Here's mine!


Lari Scrap said...

What a great challenge!
Here's my take on it:



Amy said...

you guys are awesome. loved this!


Nili said...

I was inspired by the title. it remind me of the children game my boy love to play everywhere, anytime. I see, i see what you can see and the color is....
I loved the compisition too, so used it too.

rertel said...

So busy this week but I had to do this one! Here's mine


Patti H said...

what a fun jack!!! jess is so one of my favorites out there....here's my take on her pretty pretty page:

Diana Louwerens said...

I made it, just in time, love this jack, thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the challenge. I really needed it.


wendipooh13 said...

just found this and wow soooo cool!!! I love lifting others so I will have to do this!!! thanks for great inspriation, love everyone's fun stuff!!!

Diana Louwerens said...

Made a little bit better picture, but the weather is not working with me