((((((drumroll please)))))
i loved your take on this challenge. email me @ meaganle@hotmail.com

thanks everyone who played along this month. so many great layouts.
here are a couple others to get your creative juices flowing or to make you drool.
thanks again for playing along and today the next JACK will post!
link us up by the end of the month with your take!!!
mb and the jack team.
Oh Wow - Fryne Congrats!!! Your lo is gorgeous!!
OOoooh and thanks so much for picking my 'Hands on Hips' as a fave!! COoool!! (the other fave is fab too -sorry dont know the name?)
Cant wait for the next challenge!! Love playing along!!
wow, thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a great pleasure to scraplift that gorgeous LO!
Is there no jack for July?
Ignore my last comment@!!
Must brush the sleep out of my eyes!!! found it LOL!!!
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