now onto the jack...
i've been reading that fabric is one of the major trends that was noticed at CHA this year and i have to say, i love that because i have such an extensive collection of pretty fabrics that i don't use nearly enough. however, i do have a friend that uses fabric AMAZINGLY and her name is Melissa. this month, we decided to jack melissa's mini album. just as a side note, you do not necessarily have to do a mini album to jack it. we encourage you to find inspiration in the colors, the words, the ideas, anything.
here's melissa's mini:

and here's our takes...



the sponsor this go around is Kenner Road so make sure to link us up to your jack for a chance to win some goodies from them!!
This is really cool!! I have recently like in the last week come acrossed this site. What all do you have to do to become a part of this? Just do the project and post it before the 15th of the mo.? And do you just post your link in the comments section? Or is there a flickr site you post to? Let me know I'm interested...Thanks in advance.
Love the Jack this time gals...fab job!! Here's my take on it!
This has probably been one of my favorite jacks in awhile now! I loooooove fabric!!!
I made this mini album for an online class I'm in right now and got some fabric inspiration from this jack!
I made a mini mixed paper journal and sewed in tulle, canvas, different types of lace, and more. :]
thanks for the awesome inspo!
Ok re-try on posting
This is my first scrapjack! Thanks for the prompt! Here is what I came up with!
what a fantastic jack! i've never really worked with fabric before, so it was challenging, but super fun!! here's mine:
All I could see is the fabric!
Here's mine
Hey girl! Welcome to Scrapjacked! You got it! Post your project wherever you like (ie: personal blog, website, flicker etc)and make sure you post a link to your project in another comment box here by the 15th of March so we can check it out! :) It's as easy as that!
so. this challenge rocked my face off!!!
totally LOVED this project.
it was super inspiring.
here is my take on it:
thanks ladies.
jenniferp. :)
thanks for the *jack, ladies :) i figured i would play along with a quickie... hope you like!
So, this is my first time playing with you guys, but boy was it fun! Love all the texture in Melissa's mini, so I tossed a bunch onto my layout!
Thanks for the challenge!
Melissa, I love your mini!
First time I've taken part on this blog! Couldn't resist the mini book with the material, see mine on my blog:
Wow that mini rocks!!!!!!!!
Here's my take! I let the colors green inspire me to this one!
Thanks for looking!!
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