You can see her full mini here.
So ladies, email us your addies and we will send your goodies your way!
Get inspired. Go create and share.
You can see her full mini here.
So ladies, email us your addies and we will send your goodies your way!
And our very special guest jacker Kate O'Brien (my partner in crime over at Dig Deeper Kits)! Yes the mini queen herself joined us in jacking Ms. Kara.
I know the pictures are kinda small but we will all be posting in our online galleries too so you can get a closer look.
So what's in it for you? Well a lot actually. In addition to the killer inspiration you will get by just participating, you have a chance to win prizes! Yes I said prizes as in two. This time we have two sponsors. Scenic Route has put together a little prize pack for one lucky winner and Dig Deeper Kits is going to give away a great little vintage scrap pack to a second winner! So get your scrap on sistas and link us up! Deadline for submissions is 6/25.