Saturday, January 19, 2008

jacKer wHO???

**** Winner****
email us your address so your goodies can be sent to you! :)
Thanks for playing ladies, scroll down for the answers :)
jackER wHO??
jacker WhaT??
Guess who is one years old this month, yes that would be us!!
To celebrate us turning one and your awesome support throughout our inaugural year, we will be having a little fun for the rest of the month.
To kicked things off here is a little contest:
10 jackers, 7 facts

Match the facts to the jacker :)
This bash of fun is being sponsored by Itty Bitty Scrap Shack! :)
Post your answers in the comment section by January 22. The person to guess the most correct answers wins!!

Now here are the facts:
I can't swim- Stacey
I can't ride a bike- Michelle
I've switched schools 8 times in my life- Breanne
I have two tattoos. -Vee
I am planning on running a marathon in the next year -Sally
I was born in Minnesota-Elise
I still have trouble figuring out left and right-Falyn


lindsay_2181 said...

um ok i am new here and tried to do my research on the girls' blogs but couldn't find much to here are my best guesses. looks like i am the first to guess so i hope i don't end up looking like a total fool. it would be nice to win something for ONCE in my life!

can't swim- Courtney
can't ride bike- Misty
switched schools 8 times- Christina
2 tatoos- Stacey
running a marathon- Sally
born in Minnesota- Breanne
left and right probs- Falyn

ok i am pressing submit, there's no going back lol!

Unknown said...

here's my best guess...
I can't swim-Sally Hanna
I can't ride a bike-Christina Padilla
I've switched schools 8 times in my life-Misty Mareda
I have two tattoos.-Stacey Fike
I am planning on running a marathon in the next year-Courtney DeLaura
I was born in Minnesota-Breanne Crawford
I still have trouble figuring out left and right-Elise Blaha

Sunnymommie said...

WoW! it hard to find answer but try my best to guess....:)
I can't swim---Stacey Fike

I can't ride a bike---Courtney DeLaura

I've switched schools 8 times in my life---Falyn Cahall

I have two tattoos.---Christina Padilla

I am planning on running a marathon in the next year---Sally Hanna

I was born in Minnesota---Michelle Sanders

I still have trouble figuring out left and right---Elise Blaha


Patti H said...

I can't swim: Veronica
I can't ride a bike:Christina
I've switched schools 8 times in my life: Breanne
I have two tattoos: Falyn
I am planning on running a marathon in the next year: Elise
I was born in Minnesota: Breanne
I still have trouble figuring out left and right: Stacey Fike

(all are very questionable BEST)

terese said...

i´m new here! what a fun, inspiring blog!
my guess:

cant swim: courtney
cant ride a bike: misty
switched schools: falyn
two tattoos: christina
running marathon: sally
born in Minnesota: breanne
left or right: elise

Cathy De Los Santos said...

I have absolutely no idea ... but it's fun guessing and I'm sure it will even be more fun for you guys to find out what ppl perceive you as being like lol. Here's my guesses.

can't swim - breanne
can't ride a bike - Vee
switched schools - falyn
two tattoos. - christina
running a marathon - elise
born in Minnesota - misty
left and right - sally

Anonymous said...

i luv your blog & check you girlies out all the time. What ur doin' rocks - congrats on your first year! Here's my guesses...

can't swim- Veronica
can't ride bike- Stacey
switched schools 8 times- Elise
2 tatoos- Falyn
running a marathon- Sally
born in Minnesota- Breanne
left and right- Christina

party on!