Well, the day is FINALLY here and we have FINALLY chosen our new jackers (yes, that's right... i said jackers. as in... more than one... read on!)
First things first.... we want to thank everyone who took the time to enter. We know what it's like to put yourselves out there and sit back and cross your fingers. I think we've all been in that position. You ladies made this a TOUGH decision. Seriously tough. Please know that every single one of the entrants could have brought something awesome to the jacker table, but unfortunately, we couldn't have that many new jackers ;) However, we do have an AWESOME gallery of people to choose from so WATCH OUT because YOU may be the next person jacked!
So here's the deal.... we set out with the full intention of adding one jacker.... and then when the entries started pouring in, we decided to add two jackers.... and then on the last day when we saw the amazing talent, we knew there was NO way we could possibly do less than 3 jackers (and it was insane to get it down that low).... So I'd like to introduce you to our newest 3 jackers.... that is, if the ladies accept (won't you please join us, girls?!)
Here is the beautiful page that Mandy submitted to jack:

And our girls did it up:

Vanessa actually submitted the page that we jacked of hers last jack so we took it upon ourselves to pick a different page of hers to jack:

And here is how some of our jackers did it up:



Here is the amazing page that Safo sent in for us to jack:

And here is how some of our jackers did her up:Breanne



Again, we want to thank ALL of you for entering. The talent was truly awe-inspiring and amazing. We hope that you will continue to participate in our jacks and stay tuned because we have some awesome things coming up for you all!