Sunday, February 15, 2009

hey melissa, you've been jacked!

first off, we at scrapjacked would like to extend a HUGE congrats to meg, who welcomed her beautiful baby boy on february 3. congrats, meg!!

now onto the jack...
i've been reading that fabric is one of the major trends that was noticed at CHA this year and i have to say, i love that because i have such an extensive collection of pretty fabrics that i don't use nearly enough. however, i do have a friend that uses fabric AMAZINGLY and her name is Melissa. this month, we decided to jack melissa's mini album. just as a side note, you do not necessarily have to do a mini album to jack it. we encourage you to find inspiration in the colors, the words, the ideas, anything.

here's melissa's mini:you can find the rest of it here.

and here's our takes...

meg: you can find the rest of meg's on her blog here.

elise: michelle:



the sponsor this go around is Kenner Road so make sure to link us up to your jack for a chance to win some goodies from them!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winner, winner, winner!

Hey lorealle, you totally won!
And some other favs we loved...

Thank you to everyone that rocked the KC jack. Ya'll did it up right!
Now for our next jack...
...well you will just have to wait till tomorrow for that one when Ms. Bre posts what it possibly my FAVORITE jack to date! So come back and play! Oh and lorealle, send us your addie!