After much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth [so many fab pages] we have an awesome page to share with you. This page by LesleyC wins the Story of My Life kit - Whoooo Hooooo so fun - love the photo and the little letters making the circle. CUTENESS for sure.

each layout was so inspiring. love what all of you have been doing and for those of you who just found us or this was your 1st Jack keep on comin' back. It's a place for fun, carefree inspiration. A place to inspire and be inspired. Had to also share some of these other layouts - so many great ones. Wanted to just do a slide show of EVERYONE. Rock on ladies!
Slide show one -
Slide show two -
Now let me tell you something -
YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS the NEXT JACK! She's big REAL big and she has inspired beyond belief. So come on back now ya hear, and show us you are inspired by _______________________________!!! oh not yet sorry :)